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TuesdayNov 03, 2020 4:20 am

420 with CNW — NJ Recreational Pot Sales Could Start Within Weeks, Senator Suggests

Sales in the state of New Jersey are projected to increase quickly if voters approve a cannabis legalization referendum on their ballots in the coming week. A plan unveiled by a top lawmaker would even allow the already existing medical cannabis dispensaries in the state to start selling to adults aged 21 years and above within a month of the election. Nick Scutari, chairman of the state Senate Judiciary Committee, stated in an interview that the most important thing would be to allow people to purchase legal marijuana immediately. However, those who would prefer to grow their marijuana at home…

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MondayNov 02, 2020 4:20 pm

420 with CNW — DEA Seeks Contractor with Capacity to Burn Tons of Cannabis Daily

Recently, the Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”) reached out for help to assist in burning about 1,000 pounds of cannabis per hour for eight hours straight. Each year, the DEA seizes tons of raw marijuana and millions of cannabis plants, which are usually destroyed. The contractor that performs this is responsible to oversee the burning of cannabis as well as other controlled substances that have been confiscated as evidence in drug cases. The DEA stated that it would inspect the incinerator used in the process to ensure that no drug residue remained. The work description was posted earlier this month in…

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MondayNov 02, 2020 4:20 am

420 with CNW — Outdoor Marijuana Growers in California to Label Products According to Region

In September, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law four bills affecting the state’s cannabis industry. One of those bills, dubbed Senate Bill 67, allows outdoor cannabis growers to brand and market their products by highlighting where and how those products are produced. As long as the cannabis products come from cannabis plants cultivated in the ground, or were grown without the use of a structure and without the use of artificial lighting in the canopy area, they can claim an “appellation of origin.” This means that if cannabis farmers in California grow cannabis in the ground without any artificial…

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