TuesdayJun 30, 2020 4:20 pm

420 with CNW – Why NJ Medical Cannabis is Slated to Get a Lot Cheaper

On July 1, New Jersey is slated to reduce the sales tax on medical marijuana from 6.625% to 4%. This move is the first in a series of measures that will see state sales taxes removed entirely within a space of three years. On July 1 next year, the tax will reduce to 2% and the following year (July 1, 2022) will see the reduction to a 0% state sales tax. However, the sales tax reforms which roll out tomorrow don’t mean that buyers of medical marijuana will not pay any taxes on their purchases. Municipalities within New Jersey are…

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TuesdayJun 30, 2020 11:14 am

SinglePoint Inc. (SING) Initiatives in Hemp, Residential Solar Driving Record Sales Growth Despite Uncertain Economic Landscape

SING’s 1606 Hemp subsidiary achieved 133% increase in quarterly sales growth Product marketing and content strategy grew 1606 Hemp social media presence to 20,000 followers, boosting online sales SING achieved 300% increase in Q1 revenue and gross profit with majority coming from subsidiary Direct Solar Despite unusual events creating an uncertain economic landscape, 2020 is proving to be a successful year so far for SinglePoint (OTCQB: SING), a diversified holdings company with operations in several high-performance market sectors. With impressive results coming from both their 1606 Hemp and Direct Solar subsidiaries, SING continues to successfully propel its business model forward…

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TuesdayJun 30, 2020 4:20 am

420 with CNW – Marijuana Could Help Prevent Diabetes Resulting from Severe COVID-19

A lot is being learned about the intersection between consuming marijuana and diabetes. Recently, a team of researchers has revealed that lots of people may be prone to developing diabetes after suffering from the severe forms of the COVID-19 disease. This complication can be alleviated using cannabis, the researchers think. To confirm this theory, the researchers have set up a registry aimed at gathering data from doctors to establish how many people develop diabetes after suffering from severe COVID-19 and how many of those people had a history of using marijuana either recreationally or for medicinal purposes. The CoviDiab Registry,…

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MondayJun 29, 2020 4:20 pm

420 with CNW – Federal Commission Supports Expanding Psychedelics and Cannabis Research for Military Veterans

A federal commission that was asked to generate recommendations which will help to improve how military veterans suffering from mental health issues are treated has come to an unexpected conclusion urging the legislative and executive branches of the U.S. federal government to do everything possible to ease research into psychedelics and marijuana. After months of meetings, the commission, named Creating Options for Veterans’ Expedited Recovery (“COVER”), released its findings in a report authored in January. Surprisingly, this report hasn’t drawn as much attention as it deserves among the marijuana law reform movement and the media. The panel, led by Jake…

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MondayJun 29, 2020 4:20 am

420 with CNW – Los Angeles Contemplates Overhauling Legal Cannabis System

Cannabis had been federally prohibited for several decades before public attitudes towards marijuana started changing in the late nighties. As drug reform advocates championed for marijuana legalization, more and more states legalized marijuana with the aim of earning tax revenue from cannabis sales, edging out the illicit market and repairing the damage done by the decades’ long war on drugs. However, a few years after a number of state-legal cannabis programs were launched, it has emerged that they aren't as effective as projected. Despite bringing in millions of dollars in tax revenue, states like Colorado and California have had a…

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FridayJun 26, 2020 4:20 pm

420 with CNW – Americans Think Cannabis Use is More Morally Acceptable Than Many Hot Button Issues

For decades, cannabis has been aggressively prohibited, and tons of people have had their records permanently stained by marijuana possession charges. However, over the past few years, attitudes towards marijuana have changed, with plenty of territories legalizing it in various forms. And according to a new study by Gallup, majority of Americans do not find marijuana consumption more immoral than most divisive issues. Released to the public on Tuesday, the poll found that Americans consider marijuana consumption more morally acceptable than gay relationships, medical testing of animals, the death penalty and abortion. The poll represents current attitudes towards marijuana, as…

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FridayJun 26, 2020 4:20 am

420 with CNW – The Legal Medical Marijuana Industry in Australia Only Serves 3% of Patients, Study Finds

More than 50 countries around the world have legalized some form of medical cannabis while six countries have allowed the recreational use of cannabis by adults. And while these territories have made inroads into the massive global cannabis market, most people in jurisdictions with legal weed still get their supply from the illicit market. One such jurisdiction is Australia. Australia legalized medical cannabis back in 2016 when the government created a system where doctors could prescribe the substance to treat various conditions. However, a recent study has found that only 3% of Australians using medical cannabis access it through the…

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ThursdayJun 25, 2020 4:20 pm

420 with CNW – Why Marijuana Employee Training is Crucial to Financial Success

Almost every job requires some kind of training. Employees need to know the basics of what they are required to do, whether it’s managing the inventory or manning the counter. For some businesses, minimal training is required and new employees can hit the ground running. But for others like cannabis sellers, who are subject to a high degree of government regulation, more comprehensive training is required. Let’s take the example of regulated liquor stores. Without proper training, an employee might get the business in trouble for failing to check IDs and unknowingly selling alcohol to minors or even messing up…

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ThursdayJun 25, 2020 4:20 am

420 with CNW – US April Marijuana Sales Remain Strong Despite Coronavirus Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has dealt a massive blow to the economy, and experts say it will take years to recover to pre-pandemic levels. State governments ordered the closure of all non-essential businesses, coupled with social distancing and self-isolation to curb the spread of the virus, but these measures wreaked havoc on the economy. Several industries have been almost been brought to a standstill as the country waits for the virus to pass, resulting in millions of job losses. However, one industry that seems to be weathering the storm is cannabis. Many states with legal cannabis programs declared the industry essential,…

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WednesdayJun 24, 2020 4:20 pm

420 with CNW – US Report Reveals Religious Discrimination Targeting Marijuana Consumers Abroad

The U.S. State Department has released its annual Report on International Religious Freedom, and it is clear that religious discrimination against marijuana consumers is still a problem in some countries. And like it did in past years, the State Department has refrained from mentioning that due to federal prohibition, such discrimination is present in America as well. The report covers developments that took place in 2019, and it identifies about a dozen countries and territories where cannabis policies either discriminate against marijuana consumers or where they have been reformed to respect religious freedoms. “I’m here one more time, proudly, to…

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