TuesdayJan 26, 2021 4:20 pm

420 with CNW — Illinois Spends $31.5 Million from Marijuana Taxes to Fund Communities Impacted by Drug War

For most of the states that have legalized cannabis sales, cashing in on cannabis’ burgeoning demand wasn’t the only objective. Aside from beefing up their coffers with cannabis tax revenue, states were looking to repair the harms done by the decade’s long war on drugs. In several states, social equity was a primary objective, with policymakers pledging to direct a large chunk of cannabis tax revenue towards communities that were disproportionately affected by the drug war. The state of Illinois, which enjoyed increased cannabis sales in 2020 despite the coronavirus pandemic, has announced that it is distributing $31.5 million in…

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TuesdayJan 26, 2021 2:32 pm

PacRoots Cannabis Corp. (CSE: PACR) (OTCQB: PACRF) Leveraging Cannabis Market Shift by Producing “Super Elite” Strains

Rapidly growing cannabis market evolving to include diverse clientele seeking unique strains PACR uses genetics-first approach to cultivate exclusive high-yield strains with varying cannabinoid profiles PACR catalog features 350 tested cultivars, including 50 super-elite strains prized for unique properties Smoking marijuana decades ago traditionally meant rolling one type of cannabis that was grown outdoors under mostly natural conditions. Decades later, the market has completely transformed to accommodate the needs of savvy consumers who understand different strains and their varying effects. PacRoots Cannabis (CSE: PACR) (OTCQB: PACRF), a Canada-based cannabis company dedicated to producing premium-quality strains and products through a genetics-focused…

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TuesdayJan 26, 2021 4:20 am

420 with CNW — Arizona Residents May Soon Be Able to Purchase Recreational Marijuana

Residents of Arizona who are 21 years or older may soon be able to purchase cannabis, after state health officials revealed that they would begin issuing licenses for recreational marijuana sales. Existing medical cannabis dispensaries will be the first stores able to sell cannabis and recreational cannabis products such as gummy edibles. Some of these businesses stated last week that they were awaiting online approval from state regulators so they could begin selling their products to individuals who possessed an ID issued by the state. A Department of Health Services spokesman stated that as of Tuesday, Jan. 19, 40 medical…

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MondayJan 25, 2021 4:20 pm

420 with CNW — Maine’s Medical Cannabis Caregivers Vow to Challenge Proposed Regulations

In most states that have legal cannabis markets, the legal landscape around the controversial plant is constantly shifting. Being a new market that’s centered on a product that is illegal at the federal level, lawmakers are still unsure about how to regulate cannabis and are still working out several issues. Sometimes they create policies that work, helping to boost cannabis sales as well as tax revenue for the state, while at other times, they don’t quite stick the landing. At least that’s what medical cannabis caregivers in Maine say. Policymakers recently proposed regulations that would require medical marijuana caregivers registered…

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MondayJan 25, 2021 4:20 am

420 with CNW — Activists to Hand Out Cannabis at Coronavirus Vaccination Sites to Encourage Higher Turnout

D.C. Marijuana Justice, a group of marijuana activists, has devised a way to persuade more individuals to be vaccinated against the coronavirus: give them cannabis. In 2014, the organization had planned and executed Initiative 71 on that year’s ballot, which led to the legalization of marijuana possession and its cultivation in Washington, DC. The group is now planning a marijuana giveaway at vaccination sites throughout the city. While the sites have not been made known, the group is preparing volunteers who will be distributing free cannabis baggies at various vaccination centers once the program begins operating. According to Adam Eidinger,…

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FridayJan 22, 2021 4:20 pm

420 with CNW — Cannabis Companies Ponder Best Approach for Giving Employees COVID-19 Vaccine

More than a year after the coronavirus pandemic emerged in Wuhan, China, and brought the world to its knees, scientists have successfully developed a COVID-19 vaccine. However, demand for the vaccine far outweighs the supply, forcing governments to implement vaccination programs in phases and vaccinate their populations based on urgency and priority. In the United States, essential workers are among those given first priority, and cannabis companies have argued that because as their employees are on the frontline, they ought to be vaccinated as well. When the pandemic broke out, the cannabis industry was categorized as essential and was authorized…

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FridayJan 22, 2021 1:39 pm

Green Hygienics Holdings Inc. (GRYN) Announces Partnership with Leading Hemp Law Firm

GRYN positioning itself for rapid growth in 2021 Retaining expert counsel with innate understanding of cannabis law is necessary step as company builds highly differentiated business model Green Hygienics’ growth strategy includes rollout of omnichannel bricks-and-clicks program featuring multiple premium brands As Green Hygienics Holdings (OTCQB: GRYN) wraps up its first successful crop harvest and enters the wholesale retail stage of development, the company has engaged the services of McAllister Garfield, PC, a top law firm in the industrial hemp space. GRYN, an innovative technology-driven enterprise focused on the high-standard cultivation and processing of industrial hemp and manufacturing of pharmaceutical-grade bioactive…

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FridayJan 22, 2021 4:20 am

420 with CNW — Incoming DNC Chair Could Be Pro-Cannabis Legalization

On Thursday, party leaders are expected to confirm former South Carolina Democratic Party Chair Jaime Harrison as the lead for the Democratic National Committee. If confirmed, Harrison, who is President Joe Biden’s preferred pick, will be responsible for coordinating national political activities for Democrats. The DNC is a strong supporter of cannabis legalization. Harrison had made a run for Senate last year but failed to be elected. In July last year, he stated that marijuana should be legalized, regulated and taxed much like tobacco and alcohol, adding that there was no medical reason to lock up individuals because of it.…

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ThursdayJan 21, 2021 4:20 pm

420 with CNW — Colorado Cities Mull Legalizing Cannabis Delivery

Although the coronavirus pandemic devastated most industries and ground commerce to a near-complete standstill, the cannabis sector weathered the storm with relatively few losses. It was one of the few sectors deemed essential and allowed to continue operations amid lockdown orders, with cannabis businesses reporting month over month sales records for most of the year. To keep staff and customers, who are often immunocompromised, safe, most states with legal cannabis allowed online ordering, curbside pickups and home deliveries. Even though the pandemic is far from over, plenty of cannabis businesses have recognized how important the delivery model is and are…

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ThursdayJan 21, 2021 4:20 am

420 with CNW — Cannabis and Fibromyalgia: What Does Available Research Say?

Despite its controversial reputation, cannabis has been slowly but surely building a reputation as a potent and versatile alternative to pharmaceuticals. While most experts agree the hype around cannabis has far outpaced the science, preliminary studies and anecdotal evidence have found it to be effective against everything from stress and anxiety to chronic pain and seizures. In the recent past, there has been increasing evidence that cannabis can help reduce the effects of fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition characterized by widespread, frequent and intense musculoskeletal pain. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), roughly 4 million…

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